This two-line display scientific calculator combines statistics and advanced scientific functions in a durable and affordable solar calculator. Entry line(top) shows up to 11 characters and can scroll left and right up. Result line (bottom) shows up to a 10-digit answer and a 2-digit exponent. Allows you to review previous entries and look for patterns. Menu allows you to select settings appropriate for your classroom needs. Fractions features allows operations with fractions and mixed numbers.
- Hard plastic, color-coded keys
- Two-line display, 11 digit scrollable entry line with 10-digit answer and two-digit exponent line
- Dual power
- Review and edit previous entries
- Fraction/decimal conversions
- Random number and random integer generator
- Negation key
- Menu settings
- Change improper fractions to mixed numbers
- Automatic simplification of fractions
- One constant
- Combinations and permutations
- Trigonometry
- Hyperbolics
- Logs and antilogs
- Convert angles from degrees to radians to grads
- %, x², ¹/x, yˆx, π, x!
- Fixed decimal capability
- One- and two-variable statistics
- EOS: (Equation Operating System)
- Up to eight pending operations
- Up to 23 levels of parentheses
- Error recovery capability
- Five memory variables
- Scientific and engineering notation
Also ideal for:
- General Math
- Algebra 1 & 2
- Geometry
- Trigonometry
- Statistics
- Science
1 Review Hide Reviews Show Reviews
TI-30XIISR Calculator Review
My grandson LOVES the color RED! I wanted his calculator to be easily distinctive to him while being the brand recommended by the school. This one does BOTH! Eventhough it is summer, I know items are harder to find as summer break ends. I started supply shopping early! He is already testing how to use it and is VERY pleased with its performance and color! His brothers have the same calculator, only one has a blue one and the other has a green one. TI is also well known, dependable and sturdy brand. This price was great and RED is not an easy color to find in this model! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!